translated from Spanish: This Friday Fabián Tablado, the femicidal of the 113 stab wounds, regains freedom

After being almost 24 years in prison – 23 years, nine months and one day in carve – Fabián Tablado, the man who was convicted in 1996 of the femicide of his girlfriend Carolina Aló of 113 stab wounds in a house in the town of Bonaerense de Tigre, will regain freedom on Friday . The crime occurred on May 27 when Carolina was 17 and occurred after she refused to have a child with him. According to the reconstruction of the fact, the man chased the young woman through various environments of the house – stairs, kitchen and garage – and murdered her with four white weapons found at the scene: a kitchen blade, two Tramontina table knives and a formon of Carpentry.

Fabián Tablado was convicted in 1996 by the femicide of Carolina Aló

Locked up in Campana, Tablado does not currently study, nor does he work. The feicidal is spending his last hours in the evangelist pavilion of Unit 21 of Bell. This Friday around 12 a.m., you are scheduled to walk out of the prison complex, located at kilometer 5.5 of Route 6. According to Dr. Alejandro David, Criminal Execution Judge of San Isidro, the 43-year-old man who had been sentenced to another two years in prison for threatening a woman he met during his confinement and with whom he had two twins and married in 2007 , has already served his sentence. This Friday Tablado will be released and although he has normal mental faculties – according to psychological expertise – it is advised not to relate to his daughters, who are currently eleven years old. Last December, Judge David had already anticipated Tablado’s departure by this date, while noting that “legally there is nothing to do because he served his sentence.” Edgardo Aló, Carolina’s father, initiated a signature request for his daughter’s killer to remain in detention. The truth is that the inmate benefited because when his sentence was fixed he governed the 2×1 law which consisted of double computing each year he remained on remand, while also computed the years he used as an educational stimulus.

Original source in Spanish


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