translated from Spanish: Minister of Transport visited Line 3 extension work: work takes 25% progress

Transport Minister Gloria Hutt visited the extension works on line 3 to review on the ground how construction is going. The work takes 25% progress, apart from 3.8 kilometers and three new stations to the route that reaches Los Libertadores station, in Quilicura, benefiting about 210 thousand people. The minister stated that “the three stations that will join the line 3 layout will benefit more than 200 thousand residents of Quilicura, who from 2023 will be able to reach the civic center of the commune in less time and with state-of-the-art technology in the field of subterráne trains in the world.” The extension of the line will have the same standard of innovation as the 28 stations of the automatic lines of the metropolitan railway (Line 3 and 6): large spaces with services available to passengers, platform gates and driving trains state-of-the-art automatic. The project means an investment of US$ 378.5 million. Louis de Grange, General Manager of Santiago Metro, who was also present, added that “today we are seeing the progress in this station (Av. Lo Cruzat), which will be used by almost 3 million passengers a year and that will allow them to reach in 18 minutes to the center of Santiago, while we continue working on the reconstruction of the 25 stations that still remain closed”. The future station will be located at the intersection of Manuel Antonio Matta, Las Torres and Lo Cruzat avenues, in the commune of Quilicura. It is 0.84 kilometers away from the station located in the surroundings of Plaza de Quilicura and 1.01 kilometers from the station located in Av. Manuel Antonio Matta with Senator Jaime Guzmán.Al just like the extension of Line 2, the commissioning of the extension of Line 3 is scheduled for 2023.

Original source in Spanish


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