translated from Spanish: Cecilia Morel: “The social crisis we live in has brought with it many divisions and intolerance”

This Sunday at the Palace of La Moneda, the First Lady, Cecilia Morel, called for unity and non-violence towards women, in commemoration of the International Women’s Day.During her speech, Morel was accompanied by the President as minister edunise In Piñera, and the Minister of Women and Gender Equity, Isabel Plá.La First Lady stressed that “we women have had, throughout our history, enormous potential to build peaceful, prosperous and humanity-filled societies,” according to Says BioBioChile.In addition, he added that “the achievements and conquests of our rights have not been for the benefit of one woman, but of an entire society.” He also noted that “we are experiencing difficult times, the social crisis we are experiencing has brought with it many divisions and intolerance.” Violence cannot triumph above our legitimate differences and over our democratic coexistence and our right to live in peace. Achieving that peace and unity in Chile today depends more than ever on our leadership and our decision,” he added. Finally, he called for “solidarity among us, it is necessary to regain more strongly respect, empathy and tolerance. Today more than ever, given the context we are going through, we must be united and united by nonviolence.” It should be recalled that this same day President Piñera announced two bills, “the first telematic monitoring, which will allow to protect women at risk of violence. It would prevent the potential aggressor from approaching his potential victim,” he said. Piñera ruled that the second, it has to do with incorporating “food pension debtors into the commercial bulletin, in order to enforce more effectively the obligations that parents have with their children”.

Original source in Spanish


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