translated from Spanish: Top marches in the country for 9M

After the 8M, the country is again dyed violet and green as part of the mobilizations for the 9M, the day it was chosen to carry out the International Parode of Lesbian Women, Trans, Trans and No Binaries. Then the main marches, city by city. Federal Capital: will concentrate on Plaza de Mayo from 4 p.m. to march to the National Congress
La Plata: concentration in Plaza Moreno at 16 hours + nappy in front of the Cathedral
Cordoba: from 17:30 will focus on Columbus and Cañada
Rosario: from 17 hs, they will concentrate on Montenegrin square and march to the Flag Monument, where there will be a festival. There will be free ticket to participate in the demonstration
Santa Fe: also from 17 hours, they will concentrate in Plaza San Martín, in front of the Ministry of Security and will march towards Plaza 25 de Mayo, in front of the government house
Neuquén: it will start at 18:30 and consist of four sections. There will be a reading of three documents and a musical closure

#9M #LibresParaDecidir
We share the journey of the march of the #9M, day when the women and dissents of the world will carry out the 4th International Paro in the framework of the historic struggle for an egalitarian society. We concentrate 18.30hs on the monument to SanMartin — MumalaNeuquen (@MumalaNeuquen)
March 8, 2020

Tucumán: from 18 hs from Urquiza square to Independence Square
Jujuy: they will concentrate at 17 hs on plazoleta Evita, with a slingon on the Lavalle bridge included
Inns: the concentration began at 15 hs at the Mast of Avenida Mitre. At 4 pm you will leave for Plaza 9 de Julio

Original source in Spanish


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