translated from Spanish: In Morelia women continue to earn less than men: Coneval

Cristian Ruiz
Morelia, Michoacán. – In Morelia women continue to earn less than men despite having similar positions, as data from the Inegi and Covenal show that 65% of the Female Occupied Economicactive Population (27,999) receives a minimum wage per month and only 22% (4 thousand 227) earns what the equivalent to five salaries.
According to this public information, the female occupied staff has increased in recent years in Morelia, since they represented 38.2% (49 thousand 501 women) in 2004, it became 42.8% (66 thousand 810 women) in 2014.
However, 65% of these 66 thousand 810 are earning less than men’s wages in Morelia, as data show that of the 174,105 active males registered at some job in 2018, 15 thousand 113 earned a minimum wage , 41 thousand 515 to two and 14 thousand 719 to five, which is clear evidence of the labor inequality that is in Morelia.
With this data, Lydia Nava Vázquez, president of the Confederation of the Patronal of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) in Michoacán criticized that companies need awareness about work equality, because there are advice composed only by man and there are few companies where they really give women the opportunity to hold managerial positions, a situation they thought must change must change.

“We are convinced and convinced that women’s participation is very important within companies and that is why we strengthen with facts all the points, we call for eradicating labour inequality because both men and women must be in the same conditions,” he stressed.

He added that Coparmex and presented to Morelia City Council a plan to eradicate gender labour inequality that envisages working to: eradicate panels of exclusive male participation, strengthen female participation in the Business administration, access to at least 100 entrepreneurs to high-quality workshops and training, extend maternity leave period and make at least 50% of the workforce women.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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