translated from Spanish: Committee, Anscar Romero pays tribute to Mariano Puga after her death: “He will continue to live in the conversion of consciences and our peoples”

After a series of rumours that were belied by the Community La Minga of Villa France, the “worker priest”, Mariano Puga, died in the early morning of this Saturday, March 14 after an arduous fight against lymphatic cancer. Puga’s legacy transcended thanks to his iron defence of human rights and that is why the Committee, the Scar Romero of Chile, paid tribute to the emblematic Chilean priest.
The group belonging to the international network SICSAL (International Christian Solidarity Service with Latin America) recognized Mariano Puga as a true priest of the Church-community. “Marian has testified that Jesus brought Christianity not as a religion concerned with keeping law and order in place, but must move us to the profound and radical transformation of society,” they said.
The Committee named after the Salvadoran Catholic priest, famous for his preaching in defence of human rights, highlighted the work of the “worker priest” and pointed out that his witness of faith, having “preferred God’s voice to all things,” has not fallen into a vacuum.
“He will continue to live in the conversion of consciences and our peoples, until competition, the struggle against each other, deception, cruelty and massacres no longer have reason to be,” the tribute says.
Finally, the homage points to an inevitable comparison with the saint. “We feel that, with our brother Mariano, the God of Life and Hope has been present among us, just as we feel that presence in evoking St. Scar Romero, 40 years after his martyrdom.”
“In them and so many others, we are inspired to fight for the transformation that brings us closer to the Kingdom of Truth and Justice,” they concluded.
Tribute to Priest Mariano Puga by El Mostrador on Scribd

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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