translated from Spanish: Government recommended wearing masks during subway travel: “We are in phase 3”

This Friday President Sebastián Piñera announced the measures with which the country will deal with the coronavirus outbreak. Among them, he highlighted the creation of a fund of 220 million, in addition to the ban on all events with more than 500 people. In addition, it is that today he arrived to La Moneda, to hold an inter-ministerial meeting, in order to address the specific points of the action plan. The meeting led by the Representative included the presence of secretaries of state, including the Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, who delivered a report on the topics addressed, and confirmed that “we are in phase 3″, where it is not possible to trace the origin of contagions.” This means that some of the cases that we recordas positive in the last hours in the country, we are not sure enough that they can be traceable directly to some case from abroad,” he said. In addition, he added that “the usual activities, such as having more than 500 people in the airport, a supermarket or a mall” will not be restricted, he said, insisting that “extraordinary” events, such as festivals or concerts, will be suspended. On the other hand, the secretary of state stated that the supply “seems so far to be not at risk”, although it will remain in permanent monitoring. As for public transport, specifically on the Metro, Mañalich commented that “we think it prudent to recommend” the use of masks for the duration of the trip. The minister added that a field hospital will be set up to treat the disease.

Original source in Spanish


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