translated from Spanish: DIII6 delegation reported generally suspending work in Michoacán

Photograph/ DIII6
Morelia, Michoacán.- The members of the DIII6 Delegation of the National Union of Education Workers decided to suspend their work in General in Michoacán, as reported in a brief statement.
To the Media and Society in General:
The Delegation DIII6 of the Secretariat of Education in the State of Michoacán makes it known that due to the provision of A National Character, by the contingency of health (COVID 19) this unit as well as its external offices, suspends its work in a general way, since in the same way that schools have contact with many companies[email protected] This unit produces hundreds of daily paperwork, both [email protected] as a general public, for this reason on an equal footing, we abide by the provision that the Governor of the State made available for the Education Sector.
However, we make it known that some URGENT and/or Administrative procedures that involve payment will also be worked on.
We appreciate the understanding of each and every one of you, remembering that this is not vacation but taking care of our health.
Kind regards.
Delegational Executive Committee DIII6.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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