translated from Spanish: How to clean your cell phone in the coronavirus era

Although the most common recommendation in these times of pandemic is to wash our hands frequently, we must not forget that device that we carry all the time and with which our hands and face are in almost permanent contact: the cell phone.
Scientists have shown that the Covid-19 virus can survive two or three days on plastic and steel surfaces. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends regularly cleaning electronic devices we play every day, such as cell phones, keyboards, and computers.
However, the cell phone can be damaged if not cleaned properly. The user will want to avoid scratching the surface or moisture-sining.
The first thing to do is to turn off the phone and disconnect all the cables. The cell phone should also not be reloaded when cleaned.
Do not spray disinfectants directly on the phone, immerse it in cleaning liquids, use compressed air sprinklers or use abrasive materials.
Use cleaning cloths or disinfectant wipes with 70% alcohol, such as those sold in pharmacies. Apple, which recommends not using cleaning substances on their phones, asks for it to be done “smoothly”. AT&T advises squeezing the wipes to remove some liquid before using them on your phone.
You can also use any soft fabric, such as eyeglass cleaning. Google recommends putting the fabric in soapy water and squeezing it, taking care not to put moisture into the phone. AT&T claims that a paper napkin also serves, first spraying it with a disinfectant substance.

Original source in Spanish


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