translated from Spanish: Up to 3,790 costs covid-19 test in Michoacán

Morelia, Michoacán.- Between the 3 thousand 700 and 3 thousand 790 pesos is the cost at which Morelia clinical laboratories offer the C Reactive Protein (CPR) test, used to detect respiratory disease viruses, including the Covid-19 coronavirus.
According to information obtained through reports from various clinical laboratories, at the moment only Cedimi and Servi-Med laboratories have this test that is done under a strict protocol, i.e. they must first receive a report from a doctor about the situation and symptoms a patient has to know whether or not they are suspected of having Covid-19.
These symptoms include a fever above 38 degrees, shortness of breath, cough and weakness, and the doctor in charge of the case should be the one who provides a health status report and why you suspect it could be a case of coronavirus.
If these requirements are not met, the patient cannot be tested, as both laboratories acknowledged that they have few available tests at the moment and this forces them to only take care of cases that actually warrant a test.
The time it takes for the results to be is one to three days and if you are not positive for Covid-19, it can be disclosed if you have any viruses from other respiratory diseases such as the common cold, seasonal flu or influenza A H1N1.
Both laboratories emphasized that tests should follow the protocol of action or the contario cannot conduct the studies, as there is a high risk of contagion or that the results do not go out in time.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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