translated from Spanish: Home, stressful home?

Living a pandemic is not a daily thing. Witnessing a global alert, a sign of total globalization, alters emotions and spreads deep fears. And what are we asked to deal with this situation? Stay home. A challenge that not everyone has achieved or will manage to overcome.
If further work is required, a minimal organization must be attempted. Start the day in a similar way to the normal routine: get up, order, dress and prepare the workspace. It would seem very reliever to work in pajamas, in bed, with a coffee in hand, but an essential part of overcoming a long period at home is to make a difference between being at home and working at home. Where possible you should set working times and breaks, and obviously the moments to eat and be distracted.
When there are children to attend to at home, the task adds difficulties. There are many stories about the difficulty of working at home with children, especially when they are in the same stress situation as adults. They may require even more attention and understanding. For this, it is essential to agree on times of the day when they can be attended. It is more productive to “lose” an hour to support them in their tasks, play with them, do an activity together, than to be dealing for much of the day so that they do not interrupt us.
Another way to take care of yourself emotionally is not to overexpose yourself in the media. Use technology to keep in touch with others— don’t isolate yourself, but not to get bored of anguish. Even memes that are funny mean not disconnecting from the complex sanitary scenario. It is essential to explain to the children of the house that the need to stay is to take care of themselves and others, make sense of community, which requires thinking about the other so that everyone is well.
 Iván Muñoz, psychologist, asC Parenthesis director, home of Christ

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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