translated from Spanish: 5.3 magnitude earthquake record in Croatia (Video)

Croatia.- They record strong earthquake in the croatian capital, with a magnitude of 5.3, this at 6:23 a.m. on Sunday, March 22.
The epicenter was 7 kilometers (4 miles) north of Zagreb at a depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles).

Precise moment of #Zagreb earthquake in #Croacia. Surface M5.9. In the heart of the Coronavirus pandemic and in a winter still long for them.
Put the audio ?
— Patricio Valderrama (@patriciov) March 22, 2020

It should be noted that Croatia is in the midst of covid-19 crisis, and earthquakes of this magnitude had to have doctors and nurses mobilized to evacuate the sick, as well as evacuate newborn babies, including one in an incubator.

Nurses outside a ? hospital in Croatia ?? protecting babies after the 5.3 earthquake this morning, #NursingNow
— John R. Phoenician – ?? ⚕️ (@Fenicio_112) March 22, 2020

In the midst of a coronavirus crisis, an earthquake struck Croatia’s capital, where full hospital staff were evacuated. A strong earthquake emoved Croatia and its capital on Sunday, causing widespread damage and panic scenes.
— Reporting (@InformandoRD7) March 22, 2020

The phenomenon left several buildings severely damaged, some collapsed and caused material damage such as cars, drumsticks, light poles among other things.

Because of the earthquake that occurred in that paí
— Why is it trending? (@porquetendencia) March 22, 2020

First images of damage to #Hrvatska #Zagreb #Croacia ?? after the M5.4 strong earthquake
Today March 22, 2020.
Via @monika_cro
“Geol. Sergio Almazán (@chematierra) March 22, 2020

Authorities reported a 15-year-old boy was in critical condition, and 16 others were in serious condition.
In a few moments more will be reported in detail.

Original source in Spanish


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