translated from Spanish: Citizens and citizens deliver initiative for tax forgiveness and service payments

Celic Mendoza
Morelia, Michoacán.- 90 percent of citizens cannot comply with the measures of the health contingency caused by the Covid-19 virus, said representatives of inhabitants of indigenous communities
In this context, they reported that on this day, they handed over an initiative to the State Congress for the forgiveness of taxes and payment of services.
At a press conference, David Romero Daniel Robles, Pavel Guzmán and Raymundo Ortiz Martín del Campo specified that the situation that is experienced falls more in harm to indigenous communities, since 90 percent of the population does not have a safe job, “impossible that can be subject to general recommendations.”
They commented that the initiative calls for tax forgiveness and 50 per cent off services.
They commented that in the state of Jalisco and Sonora there was a known of economic support for the business sector, which will be aware that here in the entity should not be allowed, “we disagree with these measures, they can make tax forgiveness, but not support directly, it is not correct.”
In this sense they emphasized the division of classes that is generated with the pandemic, so that outside of bureaucracy, the working class, peasant and even professionals who work on their own are at risk.
They noted that according to the law, in three days they should receive a response to their request, since they are not groups, nor political issues, but citizen needs
If any results are obtained, it would be the first state in the country to take such considerations in the face of the present health contingency.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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