translated from Spanish: Ezeiza property: AFA put 120 beds at the disposal of the Ministry of Health

After several clubs made available their facilities for the work of doctors and health bodies in the face of a possible expansion of the pandemic in Argentina, the Argentine Football Association decided to take the initiative and prepares 120 beds in the Ezeiza.” The Argentine Football Association confirms, on behalf of all football in our country, its total commitment to the health emergency that is going through the world,” he says in part of the communiqué, in which three letters were published, each addressed to the highest Authorities of the Nation, the Province of Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires.
“That is why it makes available to the national, provincial and municipal authorities, the futsal gym of the sports complex of Ezeiza, which is being conditioned to house 120 beds for those who are reached or with the possibility of have been hit by the Covid-19 pandemic,” they added. It specifies that from Friday, March 27, the capacity will be available in one of the most technological closed complexes of the Ezeiza property and that it will be coordinated by Dr. Donato Villani, Coordinator of the medical area of the AFA and Mr. Rubén Moschella, Ezeiza’s Landmaster.

Original source in Spanish


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