translated from Spanish: Maxi Richeze, the first Argentine athlete with coronaviruses, was discharged

“Hi everyone, inally after 18 days of hospital, my last two tests tested negative for COVID-19 and I was discharged. Thank you to the doctors and nurses at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi For curing me and my UAE Team Emirates for support. and a special thanks to all the people for the messages and affection!”” Thus unveiled Maximiliano Richeze that he had overcome sickness, after last March 13 he released the news through a letter on his Instagram account, where he became the first Argentine athlete to get the coronavirus in the World.

The 37-year-old athlete also took the moment to count on the message of staying at home and comply with the mandatory and preventive isolation stipulated by the president of the nation, Alberto Fernández, taking into account that the situation in Argentina it’s growing.” Unfortunately the pandemic of the virus is reaching my dear country and all of South America, so I ask you to please respect the prevention measures dictated by the government and the Minister of Health. We need everyone’s solidarity to be able to fight the virus,” Richeze wrote,For now, the cyclist did not express where he will spend the rest of the quarantine, and he must analyze his return to the country taking into account that the flights that repatriated argentines in the world were temporarily suspended on the executive’s orders.

Original source in Spanish


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