translated from Spanish: Minsal reported that there are 1,306 coronavirus infections and reported a quarter deceased

Health Minister Jaime Mañalich reported that there were 164 new cases of coronavirus, raising the total to 1,306 contagions nationwide. Thirty-three people have already left the disease and discharged, and a deceased room was reported, who was an 84-year-old male patient with a number of underlying diseases, including Parkinson’s and Renal Insufficiency and died in a hospital Biobío region. Mañalich said this is the first case in which death occurs from coronavirus infection, despite medical efforts. The Health Minister also reported the existence of 44 people who are hospitalized, of whom 4 are “in a fairly serious condition”. Asked for cases of contagion in the health system, the authority said that according to wednesday morning information, excluding staff working in offices, there are fewer than 80 people carrying the virus. The Minister of Science, Adolfo Couve, meanwhile, reported that work was coordinated with 15 laboratories in the network of universities and research centers, which will increase by 600, the ability to perform daily tests, in the cities of Antofagasta, Punta Arenas and in the Metropolitan Region.Ello, the secretary of state said, will increase diagnostic capacity in the country, and assured that the idea is to achieve an additional 1,200 daily exams.

Original source in Spanish


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