translated from Spanish: Ricardo Rodriguez, accused of Claudia Repetto’s femicide, confessed to justice that he killed her and buried

The accused of Claudia Repetto’s femicide, Ricardo Rodríguez, testified today to justice that he killed her because she became “zealous” and then buried her in a cliff area in Mar del Plata, so this afternoon an operation was started in search of the corpse , judicial sources reported. The lawyer of the victim’s family, Noelia Aguero, confirmed to Télam the statement of the detainee Ricardo Rodríguez to the prosecutor of the case, Fernando Castro, and after informing the relatives there were serious incidents in the local courts with the police that made rubber bullet shots and pepper spray to disperse the protesters.

The 53-year-old woman has been missing since 1 March in the seaside town. She suffered from gender-based violence by her ex-partner Ricardo Rodriguez and from whom she had decided to separate about seven months earlier. The defendant was before the prosecutor of the case this morning, who inedrated him or the woman’s femicide and, alternatively, for having unlawfully deprived her of her freedom. The suspect, the victim’s former partner, confessed that he committed the crime because he became “zealous”, after which he tried to “revive” her but could not and then buried her in a cliff area.
According to the lawyer, Rodriguez gave details of the place where he hid the body and, following his statement, Castro spoke with local DDI staff to the south of Marplatense to corroborate his version.
Rodriguez was arrested last night by the missing woman’s children. Friends and young people who used to tour the area in search of Rodriguez, came to recognize him, so they immediately called Repetto’s children to confirm whether it was the fugitive. When the woman’s children arrived at the scene, the defendant tried to escape but managed to reach it and reduce it, after which they gave notice to the police.” It is a shame that he was stopped by the children, this person was on a bicycle and the police did nothing to catch him; it’s a mockery,” said lawyer Aguero, who added: “I had to inform the children, relatives and relatives that she was dead, that led to the incidents and the repression.”

The prosecutor in charge of the case, Fernando Castro, decided to charge Rodriguez for Repetto’s femicide on 19 March for evidence against him. One of them would have been a video of a security camera that recorded Rodriguez riding a motorbike on Don Orione street (where his ex-partner’s house was) in the early morning of Monday, March 2. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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