translated from Spanish: Arabs and Jews without differences fight Covid-19

Jerusalem.- “There is no difference between us”. In Israel, Jewish and Arab doctors work together and on the front line to combat the coronavirus epidemic and silence those who spread “hate.” Near Tel Aviv, those responsible for Sheba Hospital, considered one of the best in the world, claim that it is due to the work done jointly by Arab and Jewish professionals, despite being immersed in a deeply divided society.

“We work together with the Arab medical team and not just in the time of the coronavirus,” says Rafi Walden, deputy director emeritus of the establishment.” Without them, the Israeli health system would collapse,” AFP says. Israeli Arabs, descendants of Palestinians who remained on their lands after the creation of Israel in 1948, and who represent 20% of the Israeli population, consider themselves victims of social discrimination and denounce the law of the nation-state that enshrines the Jewish character of Israel.However, in times of coronavirus, a photo of two nurses praying before his ambulance has gone viral: one, Jew, prays in the direction of Jerusalem; the other, a Muslim, is kneeling on a prayer mat and doing so towards Mecca.Several netizens have greeted this “inspiring” image, spread by magen David Adom, Israel equivalent of the Red Cross.For some reflects the need for union crisis, but others insist on persistent social differences. You may also be interested:Owner of the New York Knicks, positive for Covid-19Anse according to a 2017 study from the Taub Center for Sociopolitical Studies in Israel, the poverty rate is much higher in Arab sectors, where the population has a life expectancy four years younger than Israeli Jews. In the same boat
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is regularly accused of racism by Israeli Arabs and incitement to hatred against members of Arab parties, which he called a “threat.” One of his ministers treated them even as “terrorists in suits and ties.” “Netanyahu knows the role of Arabs in the health system, and in other sectors, and yet it continues to spread hatred and lying,” Walden laments, recently 700 members of the medical corps, half of them Jews, signed a petition calling on Netanyahu to ceased to sow divisions in these times of health crisis More than 3,800 cases of new coronaviruses have been officially recorded in Israel, with 12 deaths. After more than a year of unprecedented political crisis and three legislative elections, rival Benny Gantz decided, to general surprise, to join Netanyahu and launch an “emergency government” that runs Israel in times of pandemic.” Our goal, for Arabs and Jews, is to protect humanity. We call for the cessation of hate speech. We’re all on the miso ship, we work together to end the coronavirus epidemic,” says Shukri Awawda, one of the petition’s instigators. -Disparities in the crown?
So far, the number of covid-19 cases is relatively low in Arab areas. “It’s because there are fewer tests there,” says Israeli Arab MP Jaber Asakla, who calls for more means to deal with the crisis. You may also be interested:20% of older adults in Moscow does not comply with quarantineThotra explanation would be the fastest spread of the epidemic in large cities, according to researcher Mohammad Darawshe, who points out that “about 70% of Arab citizens live in individual villages and housing”””At the same time, 70% of Jewish citizens reside in cities and in real estate,” adds this member of the Givat Haviva Institute, who militates for equality between Arabs and Jews in Israel.Poorer, “Arab municipalities do not are clearly prepared to deal with a wave of coronavirus,” he warns. These municipalities “have no budgets to train their staff in emergencies,” he adds. You may also be interested:Volunteers in Russia bring food to quarantined octogenarians

Original source in Spanish


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