translated from Spanish: Basic basket price rise reported in Guasave

Sinaloa.- “If the coronavirus doesn’t kill us, we’re going to be starved, it’s not possible that they’re taking advantage of this situation to raise prices,” re-criticized Norberto López, an outraged inhabitant of the El Chino de los López community. He asked to take advantage of this means of communication to demand that the Profeco also contemplate the municipality to do tours in business, both in groceries, shops of the Municipal Market and supermarkets, because it considers that everyone is “doing their August”, taking advantage of the pandemic and the sense of insecurity it produces in the public to “jam the fingernails with prices that are sky high.”

In addition to enduring the pressure and fear of contagion, the reality of many Guasavenses is that they were sent home to rest, to lock themselves in and not leave, however in many cases the pattern no longer had the responsibility to give them financial support to face the day by day. “There are a lot of people here who work up to date in the field, there are those who are no longer going, then we are out of work, without money and on top of that they come and they want to jam our nails with prices that are for the nuebes.” The citizen asked the Profeco to “put his hand” in market shops, groceries and larger businesses, because it is abuse what they are doing. Support
By telephone, he tried to interview Miguel Angel Murillo Sánchez, who is director of profeco in the state of Sinaloa, to question him regarding the measures they will apply to act in consumer protection, however it was not possible to concrete the Interview. Ana Cristina Agramón Agramón, who owns the unit in Guasave, indicated that she is not entitled to grant interviews, however she explained that in the offices they are receiving formal complaints, as well as those who want to report for phone number can do so to the following lines: 713 07 42, 713 07 45 and 712 58 48, or they can contact 800 46887 22, number of the representative office in Sinaloa. Agramón Agramón recalled that offices in Guasave remained open for those who come to file complaints directly, although as prevention measures by The Covid-19 it is being worked only by the window.

“I am not authorized to give interviews or data regarding the complaints, this is a faculty that only the director, Miguel Murillo Sánchez, has, however, what we can do is tell people to report, either in person or on the telephone lines.” It added that for the complaint to proceed, they must be clear about the name of the establishment, as well as the location of the establishment.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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