translated from Spanish: Tokyo Olympics have a new date

Ten days after announcing the postponement due to the world’s coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in agreement with the Government of Japan, announced that the Tokyo Olympics will be held between July 23 and August 2021.The Paralympic Games will then be held from August 24 to September 5. The governing ministry of world olympics announced the news through an official statement saying that the decision was made “on the basis of three main considerations: 1. To protect the health of athletes and all involved, and to support the containment of the COVID-19 virus; 2. Safeguard the interests of athletes and Olympic sport and 3. The global international sports calendar.”
The new dates are scheduled for almost exactly one year after those scheduled for 2020 (Olympic Games: From 24 July to 9 August 2020 and Paralympic Games: from 25 August to 6 September 2020). With this decision, the IOC seeks to provide sufficient time for all qualifiers for the Olympic event to be suspended for the virus outbreak. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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