translated from Spanish: Confirm 88 new cases of coronavirus and already exceed 1000

The Ministry of Health confirmed 88 new cases of coronavirus in the Argentine Republic, bringing the total to 1,054 positives in the country. Of the total new cases, 529 (50.2%) imported, 295 (28%) are close contacts with confirmed patients, while the rest remain under epidemological research.

Of the total confirmed patients on Tuesday, 19 are from the City of Buenos Aires, 17 from the Province of Buenos Aires, 22 from Santa Fe, 3 from Chaco, 14 from Córdoba, 7 from Tierra del Fuego, 2 de Mendoza, 1 from Tucumán, 1 from Río Negro, and 1 from Corrientes.With the three deaths confirmed on Tuesday’ day, the victims amount to 27. This is a 63-year-old woman, a resident of Chaco province; another 52-year-old from La Rioja; and an 89-year-old from Cordoba.

☝️ This photo was taken by Alejandro Amdan, graphic reporter of Télam, and clearly records the message that is communicated weeks ago: the only tool that we know with certainty that protects us from the virus, is social isolation This Sunday, @alferdezok assured that from the state they are “doing everything we can do”, while announcing the extension of quarantine: stop googled “when it is Easter” quarantine, as announced, until April 12. “The reality is that the initial results are good, they encourage us to continue on this path,” he said. #Cuarentena #CuarentenaObligatoria #Cuarentena #CuarentenaArgentina #AlbertoFernandezCuarentena #AlbertoFernandez #ArgentinaCOVID19 #COVID19 #COVID19 #COVID19 #COVID19 #COVID19 #Coronavirus #VacunaCOVID19 #COVID19
A shared publication of (@filonewsok) on 30 Mar, 2020 at 9:21 PDT

Of the total confirmed patients on Tuesday, 19 are from the City of Buenos Aires, 17 from the Province of Buenos Aires, 22 from Santa Fe, 3 from Chaco, 14 from Córdoba, 7 from Tierra del Fuego, 2 de Mendoza, 1 from Tucumán, 1 from Río Negro, and 1 from Corrientes.

Original source in Spanish


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