translated from Spanish: Without UND, the government will seek to “coordinate efforts” with health care providers

The health authorities of the nation, headed by the minister of the area, Ginés González García, met with private health providers and social works after the controversy generated by a possible UND that declares in the public interest any recourse Health. “The historic difference between subsectors and lack of coordination must be overcome by the country’s needs and current circumstances,” the minister said after the meeting. 

Representatives from Confeclisa, Acami, Adecra, Fecliba, Ademp and various social works participated in the meeting and pledged to seek “coordination between the public and private sectors and provide a comprehensive response to the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases expected by May.” The possibility of a decree of necessity and urgency to decree in the public interest the health resources that generated concern among health entrepreneurs was advanced by González García yesterday in a meeting with Diputados.  

The UAS statement after the meeting

The Argentine Union of Health Entities (UAS) led by Claudio Belocopitt stressed in a statement that “the need to articulate efforts for the benefit of all Argentines was established in times of dealing with the coronavirus crisis in the country”.

Original source in Spanish


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