translated from Spanish: Defence and Justice will not charge the April fee to the partners for the pandemic

Undoubtedly, Defensa y Justicia is one of the First Division clubs that has a majority of fans within a low-income social stratum and that, based on a lot of effort, contributes their share in the institution that has been in the top flight for six seasons. Thanks to the jump to the Superliga and the massive presence of the people of Florencio Varela, the club was able to accommodate its finances, enlarge the stadium and even change the lighting for international tournaments, which it played in recent years. However, coronavirus is a big factor that will affect you as well as everyone else.

We put our grain of sand.
Waive April fee payment to members who are up to date
this and other measures by Coronavirus Covid-19 we tell you at the following link:—Defense and Justice (@ClubDefensayJus)
April 4, 2020

Unlike racing, which has already announced the reduction of campus and coaching salaries in a decision together, it is very difficult for athletes to keep their current life organized if they do not collect their entire salary, or at least a large percentage of it. That’s why the measures are pointed in the opposite direction and it has to do with a huge gesture of the club with its members. In a last official statement issued this Saturday, it was confirmed that they will not be charged the April fee, among other measures that has to do with working with sponsors and meeting the needs of professional and lower players.” We take the opportunity to thank the support of our partners and supporters. For a united Defense, Fly Together”, closes the text d of Defense and Justice, in what is the first gesture of a first division club with its followers and the most faithful in this history of Argentine football.

Original source in Spanish


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