translated from Spanish: IMSS Michoacán installs “Triage Respiratorios” in hospitals

Michoacán.- The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) oversees the operation of the “Respiratory Triage” that are installed in hospitals, in Michoacán, in the face of contingency by COVID-19.
Authorities of the IMSS representative office in Michoacán, take actions in the 10 hospitals of the Ordinary Regime and the seven of IMSS-Welfare, to be prepared for the channeling and care of patients with respiratory diseases in the different regions of the entity.
Among hospital managers, trusted and unionized workers, lines of action are established that allow adaptations in physical spaces for the establishment of these triages, as well as for the staff to be assured that they will be equipped with the necessary, both for their own protection, and to care for suspected or confirmed patients with COVID-19.
The “Triage RespIratorios” serve to separate those who present themselves with acute respiratory diseases or who arrive in critical conditions, from those who come with other emergencies, and to channel them as soon as possible for follow-up.
Each hospital medical unit recognizes and continues the work of the workers of the Institution, as well as keeping an eye on the volume of supplies, protective equipment and medicines available to them.
During the tours of hospital authorities, local trade union leaders and workers, the holder of the Administrative Administrative Administrative Body Deconcentrated Michoacán State of IMSS, María Luisa Surrounds Pimentel, stated that the institution it is prepared to work for the benefit of the social security-affiliated population and the IMSS-Welfare program, in accordance with the guidance of the Director General, Zoé Robledo Aburto.
Monitor Expresso

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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