translated from Spanish: Blumel and Gustavo Gatica’s case: “What we hope is that the Prosecutor’s Office will be able to resolve the criminal investigation as soon as possible”

The Minister of the Interior, Gonzalo Blumel, referred during Wednesday to the images revealed by a report of Canal 13, where you can see the moment when Gustavo Gatica is wounded in his two eyes by pellets, during a demonstration on December 8, 2019. In this regard, the head of the portfolio spoke about the summary of Carabineros made on the basis of the case, and commented that “it is not for me as Minister of the Interior to agree or disagree with the summary or the investigation carried out by the prosecution. What I do have as a government official is to demand that the institutions work,” he told TVN.” What we have raised to Carabineros is that it resolves this summary as soon as possible and for that you need to take a series of steps in order to complete this summary. On the other hand, what we also have as a government is to facilitate the investigations that are being carried out in the Prosecutor’s Office,” he added. According to the institution’s report, the participation of some of the officials who were present that day using riot shotguns cannot be verified. Also, not to rule out that he was wounded by other protesters. In this regard, Blumel insisted that “the prosecution already has this background”, adding that it “has the information it has requested, and therefore also, what we hope is that the Prosecutor’s Office will be able to resolve the criminal investigation as soon as possible in order to establish the record and criminal responsibilities arising from the investigation”.

Original source in Spanish


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