translated from Spanish: Coronavirus hits the arts guild: Nearly 85% of them have lost work because of the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the arts guild hard. This was reflected in a survey of the Platform for Visual Arts (PAV), conducted between March 20 and 25, in which 84.8% of the country’s artists say they lost their jobs due to this crisis.
In addition, 72.9% of those consulted said they were unable to cover the basic costs, with the 15.2% who maintained that they will be able to meet them.
The poll, in which 420 people belonging to the arts guild were surveyed, women mostly also reported 89.8% underwent quarantine in mid-March. In addition, most of them (81%) you don’t have access to a medical license because you don’t have a contract.
The PAV survey also measured the average income level per household of workers in the arts world. Most of them (31%) it maintained incomes between 301,000 and 500,000 pesos, while 28.3% claimed to receive less than 301,000.
Meanwhile, 15.5% reported receiving between 501,000 and 750,000 pesos, 12.6% receive between 751,000 and 1 million pesos, 7.6% between 1,000,001 and 1,500,000, and only 2.1% receive a salary greater than 3 million pesos.
As for the employment situation of the artists, 33.7% of them said they were in a condition of informality, 15.1% are looking for another job and 13.6% work as an independent.
“Some data obtained are significant, such as the much higher participation of women (62.1%) (37.6%), showing a gender gap in the impact of the crisis. It is also a saying that the average household income is less than $501,000, especially considering that they are made up of 2, 3 and up to 6 or more people. The impact of the crisis on these households is catastrophic,” the report argues in its findings.
See the full PAV survey here.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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