translated from Spanish: Italy: Conte confirms quarantine extension until May 3

The Italian government extended until 3 May the mandatory confinement imposed a month ago to try to contain the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to add up dead in that country every day.
“We extend the restrictive measures until 3 May, a difficult but necessary decision, whose political responsibility I fully assume,” said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

For a few days, Conte was under double pressure. On the one hand, doctors and scientists suggested that it not lift confinement measures too quickly, as the pandemic which, for at least ten days, has slowed in that region could be revived. On the other hand, employers and trade unions warned him about the terrible damage that isolation is causing to Europe’s third economy. According to the Italian premier, the measures that have been implemented since March “produce their fruits, they work”, to curb contagion. “I know we are all eager to resume activity. I hope we can do this after May 3 cautiously and gradually,” he said.

The prime minister further clarified that some more activities will be exempt from quarantine from quarantine from 14 April, such as bookstores, forestry and baby shops. “But we cannot start from the principle that the virus will disappear from our territory. We can’t afford to fall back on contagion. If we give up now, we run the risk of losing all the positive effects and we must start from scratch,” he warned. Italy is one of the countries most affected by coronavirus. Since the case began, it has already had almost 150,000 contagions and is approaching the threshold of 19,000 dead. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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