translated from Spanish: Storms roam the southern United States; 6 dead in Mississippi

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Strong storms hit Sunday in southern U.S., leaving at least six dead in Mississippi and damage to 300 residences and other constructions in northern Louisiana.One person died in Walthall County, two others in Lawrence County and three more in Jefferson Davis County, mississippi Emergency Management Agency director said Greg Michel. All three prefectures are more than an hour’s drive south of Jackson, near the boundaries to Louisiana.

Mississippi recorded strong wind gusts in other parts of the state, the National Weather Service noted, and a tornado was spotted north of Meridian, near the limits with Alabama.Before storms hit Mississippi, the weather service reported several tornadoes and dangerous winds in much of northern Louisiana. There were no immediate reports of serious injuries. Utility companies reported thousands of outages to electricity. The mayor of Monroe, Louisiana, Jamie Mayo, told KNOE-TV that a storm caused damage to about 200 or 300 homes in and near the city. Flights were cancelled at Monroe Regional Airport, where some of the buildings suffered impact on the facades and debris was on the runways. Airport director Ron Phillips told News-Star newspaper that the storm caused damage of about $30 million to aircraft inside a hangar. In northwestern Louisiana, authorities reported damage to dozens of homes in the municipalities of DeSoto and Webster, according to local media. The biggest risk of storms for Easter Sunday included much of Mississippi, Alabama and western Georgia, weather service warned. That area was designated as a “moderate risk,” while the rest of the southern region was placed under “marginal” threat, he added. A larger area, from east Texas to the East Coast, was under “marginal” storm risk, weather service reported. In Morgan County, Alabama, the roof of a church was lightning-damaged on Sunday afternoon, the director of the county’s Emergency Management Agency, Eddie Hicks, told the news site. They were not reported injured. Strong winds were recorded causing damage to buildings andppling trees in Walker County, Alabama, north of Birmingham, WBMA-TV reported.

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Original source in Spanish


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