translated from Spanish: Trump accused of political propaganda in covid-19 props

Washington– U.S. Democratic Congressional Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday considered President Donald Trump’s name “disgraceful” on aid checks for citizens affected by the coronavirus crisis, but the representative denied that such a decision could delay sending those subsidies. The U.S. Treasury confirmed to the AFP that the representative’s name will be printed on checks of up to $1,200 to be sent to tens of millions of citizens.
Putting the president’s name on it could take a few days to send checks, The Washington Post said, citing senior U.S. tax service officials.” Delaying direct payments to vulnerable families just to print their name on the check is an embarrassing new example of President Trump’s catastrophic failure to deal with this crisis with the urgency it needs,” Pelosi reacted in a statement. To get the latest news about coronavirus, sign up by clicking on this space and we’ll send you the information instantly. Other Democratic congressmen and several netizens openly criticized the president on social media, accusing him of wanting to make political returns with that help before the November elections, in which he will seek to be re-elected. You might also be interested: Mhoni Seente against coronavirus predicts conflict between countries “I don’t know much about that but I understand my name is there,” Trump said at his daily press conference on the coronavirus crisis.” I understand you’re not delaying anything and that satisfies me,” he added. “I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m sure people will be very happy to get a big, nice check, and my name is on it.” Those checks are part of the historic $2 trillion aid plan approved by Congress and enacted by Trump in late March to sustain the economy in the face of the pandemic. You might also be interested: WHO relies on other countries to overcome US funding cutThe EU regrets that the US freezes its funding to WHO in full

Presidents can also die

Original source in Spanish


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