translated from Spanish: They confirmed the first prisoner infected with coronavirus in Argentina

An inmate housed in Unit 42 in Florencio Varela tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) and was placed in the Interzonal General Hospital of Agudos Presidente Perón de Avellaneda.According to the Bonaerense Prison Service (SPB), the 49-year-old man sentenced to life imprisonment for aggravated homicide, suffers from chronic kidney disease and needs three weekly dialysis, which is applied to him on Weekdays , Wednesday and Friday in the aforementioned nosocomio.

Precisely last Friday, when he was transferred from the penal to the hospital, the doctors noticed that the patient had a fever, so they decided to take the test, with a double swab: oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal. In the last few hours, the positive results were confirmed, and he was placed in prison custody. In response to this situation, the SPB applied as a prevention a health contingency protocol and isolated five detainees who shared the ward with the infected inmate, in the Health sector of Unit 42.In addition, ten prison officers are quarantined in their homes, one of them for working in the indicated ward and the other nine for having transferred the detainee to the hospital last week. None of them have symptoms compatible with the disease so far. Apart from preventative isolations, the SPB detailed that since the pandemic began, frequent disinfection with water and chlorine has been carried out in all pavilions and cells, while for movements of transfers they applied the strict use of beards and gloves. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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