translated from Spanish: Human Rights THE DEBATE

The stop was dry… brutal jolt. The surprise paralyzed and the solution surprised. Stay home. It went from being a petition to a lawsuit and from a suggestion to a demand. Molecules have always been powerful, but none had shown as much strength as the cause of this global parking lot on which it became the only planet we have. No matter what you call yourself, nor the capital you own, or your age or the importance of your office, it doesn’t matter who you are in the world, just obey… Stand up… Lock yourself in… Keep… save yourself and yours; don’t insist on being the richest of the campanto, the smartest in the cemetery or the nicest in the valley of the dead. Listen to me. The orders are precise for a population of more than five billion and had to be so because today the adversary is invisible, treacherous and certain. For a moment the stress of the twenty-first century ended; Goodbye accessories; vanities, poses or presumptions; we are reduced to human size, to the most real level ever known to kings or commoners in recent times. There’s nothing left but to look inward because outside there’s only desolation, emptiness, loneliness. Curtains were lowered not only from the big corporations but also from the huge and important personal projects for a moment and this global flicker teaches us that there is always something beyond appearance. By this, understand us that, as the philosopher said, the void is never filled with emptiness. We will get ahead and always remember that we really aren’t much… we’re just human.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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