translated from Spanish: More than 20 pay-TV companies join Educa TV broadcast

The National Television Council (CNTV) announced that more than 20 pay-TV, cable and satellite companies will join the broadcast of the Educa TV channel during the constitutional exception and class suspension period, for the covid-19 emergency.
The announcement was made by CNTV President Catalina Parot, Deputy Telecommunications Secretary Pamela Gidi and TV Access Executive President Claudia Bobadilla, along with THE chairman of the board of directors of that entity that groups the payment channels, Mauricio Escobedo.
Also present by videoconference were the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa; Anatel’s president, Ernesto Corona; Arcatel’s general manager, Rodrigo Moreno, and managers of pay TV companies grouped into TV Access, plus GTD, Tuves, Mundo Pacífico and other local operators.
From the CNTV they reiterated that the unitary signal TV Educa, aims to “deliver educational training to Chilean schoolchildren who today do not have face-to-face classes, in addition to broadcasting teleclasses, capsules of training content aimed at families and entertaining culture”.
“A fundamental part of the programmatic offer will be provided by the National Television Council, which has already released 20 series with more than 150 chapters for different ages and areas of knowledge: History, Geography and Social Sciences; Science, Technology and Environment; series associated with Language and associated with the field of visual and musical arts,” CNTV said of the signal that is already broadcasting, and that on April 27 it will be operating in its entirety.
With today’s agreement, the coverage of households to which TV Educa will reach was expanded, in which 3.6 million schoolchildren are in a holiday period.

Original source in Spanish


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