translated from Spanish: A quartermaster insulted Feimann: “Go to the… of your sister”

Eduardo Feimann again starred in an interview that left the lanes, such as the recognized fights he had with secondary students who took his schools or advocates of the recreational uses of marijuana. In this case, the journalist who runs his show on Radio Rivadavia was insulted by Pehuajó’s mayor, Pablo Zurro, who told him “go to your sister’s shell.” 
Zurro’s outburst came as the journalist criticized him for hiring Cuban doctors to address the health emergency generated by the coronavirus. After Feimann said it was an express request from Cristina Kirchner to hire Cuban doctors, Zurro replied: Z: “If it’s a request from Cristina Kirchner I’m going to follow it because she’s my political boss.”
F: “Your leader is the head of the band” 
Z: “You’re a disrespectful, the head of the band isn’t. Go to your sister Feimann’s shell.”
The conflict with Cuban doctors was settled by some sectors of Juntos’s opposition by Cambo, who denounce that they could be spies of the island’s government. However, Fernan Quiros, the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, said Tuesday that if the doctors are trained they “are very good” that they become part of the human resources that will fight the coronavirus.

In the midst of the worst crisis of capitalism in history, with shreds of world economies and with humanity in the pandemic, the concern of some is that foreign doctors will come to help, if they do not reach those here. Stop be amazed.—Daniel Gollan (@DrDanielGollan)
April 24, 2020

In the same vein, the Governor bonaerense, Axel Kicillof, declared, who assured that the lack of health professionals “is a fact” and Cuba offered his help.” The provincial ministry of health is going to assess the capabilities and if they meet the requirements, we will use them,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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