translated from Spanish: Izkia Siches goes out to Piñera’s step by defering plebiscite: “It’s hard to explain how you can go to a mall, but not to vote”

As has already become customary during the coronavirus pandemic, the president of Chile’s Medical College, Izkia Siches, stepped up government statements. This time, his darts were directed to President Sebastián Piñera and his approach to delaying the plebiscite by a new Constitution – which was originally scheduled for Sunday yesterday – due to the economic recession.
On Sunday, in an interview with CNN in Spanish, the Mandate said it was “postponed (the plebiscite) for October but I think maybe the recession is going to be so big, that this is an issue that may need to be discussed again,” the head of state said. In view of this, Siches recalled that while the Colmed called for both the dates of the plebiscite and other elections to be modifiable, “obviously these must maintain consistency in the face of citizenship. It’s hard to explain how you can run into a mall, but not vote.”
“It is an issue that must be handled with great caution and we suggest starting from now on work for a safe plebiscite, which has all the necessary measures to materialize it next October,” Siches said, according to Cooperative slogan.
The controversy was addressed on Monday by the Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, who noted that “we cannot anticipate what the situation is going to be”, but fears a low participation.
“If patients don’t go to an emergency department today for fear of coronavirus contagion, we wonder what the risk will be for people who are deprived of attending an act of citizen demonstration,” said Minsal’s authority.
Heraldo Muñoz: “I find it extremely serious”
On the other hand, the president of the Party for Democracy (PPD), Heraldo Muñoz, refuted the argument of Piñera’s economic recession and called his approach “extremely serious.”
“I find it extremely serious and delicate that the President of the Republic is now adding the economic recession to health considerations. I don’t think the U.S. presidential election is going to be suspended because of the economic downturn,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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