translated from Spanish: Dengue: which are the neighborhoods with the most cases?

In full quarantine by COVID-19, dengue cases continue to advance across the country. According to the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires, in the last epidemiological bulletin, more than a thousand new cases were recorded in the City in just one week, totaling 5,221. “The situation of the coronavirus pandemic does not give a full idea of surveillance, either because of lack of consultation or because of difficulties of the services when reporting cases,” the letter states.

He then details: “Communication was received on a case of severe dengue deceased in a private effector intensive care unit. The patient, domiciled in commune 11, was 71 years old and had comorities. Consultation was recorded 48 hours after the fever began, requiring hospitalization in the room. It evolved unfavorably and was referred to intensive care unit, dying on the fifth day of the start date of symptoms.” The most affected neighborhood in relation to its population is Flores, followed by Barracas, Soldati, Vélez Sarsfield and Villla Lugano, where 58% of the cases were found. An estimated 90% of cases occur in a total of 19 wards. Against this back against this landscape, the Nation’s Vector-Borne Disease Control warned of the importance of intensifying care. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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