translated from Spanish: AMLO is right: real dispute betweenneoliberalism and populism

Although it should not be surprising because these are power games that always existed within the PRI and because of the same circumstances of presidential succession, the struggles between President López Obrador and the business opponents of his project are spreading the moorings of the rowing of the existing old system/regime/State that the 4T has not even been able to mutiny. Actually, this is not the first time such circumstances are experienced. In 1973 President Echeverría took a strategic turn to his economic policy, decided to expand the state, sheltered on the left and entrepreneurs broke with him and decreed an investment stun that smote private investment and boosted public investment via circulating and budget deficit. The devaluation of August 1976 was, in a fact, because of the budget deficit of 9%, but much because of the capital flight. Today we see a remake of that movie. And they are presented in the japanes state-entrepreneurs at least seven real disputes:1.- For the nation project. López Obrador has brought back to the state and entrepreneurs and allies want to continue in the logic of the market.2.- Between two power blocs that reflect the struggling productive classes: the state and its non-owners of production media and entrepreneurs.3.- The struggle between state populism against market neoliberalism. Here the workers and the exploited classes do not participate because populism is the model of a ruling elite and its direct beneficiaries. It is what Marx defined as lumpen proletariat.4.- The realignment around Coparmex as a patronage union or block of power led by the anti-state business class of anti-AMLO forces that have been coming since 1988, including begistas, panistas and systemic media. It is an anti-political block and contrary by definition to the state economy.5.- The dispute over the hegemony of the state and its decision-making system. The priist populist state was dispersing its dominant force and went from a single leadership to a hegemonic one among many forces. Today the neoliberal bloc, which overscused the state for six six years, does not want to lose control of state decisions. López Obrador returned the hegemony of the government to a unitary and one-person state.6.- The struggle for the political direction of the state. The populist and neoliberal cycles had their dominant group in the direction of the system/regime/state. López Obrador returned to the one-man presidency to even prevent his allies from representing other groups.7. – And the dispute advanced — as always happened in the priist past — by the rearrangement of groups and leaders with a view to the 2024 presidential succession. The struggle for presidential succession between officials, parties and business power sectors begins at 2 pm on the president’s inauguration day in turn. The configuration of two strong blocs of power — that of the president of the republic and that of dissident entrepreneurs — can lead to an agreement — a distant option — or it can lead to a rupture that limits the 4Th and leaves the country without productive private investment. The crisis of 1973-1976 was lost by Echeverría because of the state’s low budget capacity as an investor. If López Obrador is stationed only in the assistance investment, the sexenal recession will reduce the political control of the succession 2024.-0-Banco Accendo. The crisis inside Banco Accendo could remove treasury secretary Arturo Herrera from hiding from hiding because a judge banned shareholder meetings for irregularities, but those who control the bank convened an assembly (which will be illegal) by Thursday 30 and impose their association with the Toka Group. Javier Reyes’ group could give the albazo, although the Banking Commission would have to intervene. It is the time when the Treasury looks the other way, it is not known whether by a secretary burdened by other issues or by evil alliances. The legal part of Moses Cosío has the law on his side, but in the pandemic everyone does what he wants without abiding by the laws. Politics for dummies: Politics in a game of dynamic tension and always between two poles that repel.

Original source in Spanish


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