translated from Spanish: Train food services to activate sales and deal with covid-19 pandemic

The confinement to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our country led to a necessary closure of business with high public influx, among them restaurants, which as we know are – perhaps – the preferred place for celebrations, business meetings or, simply, to go and enjoy their preparations.
That is why the Technological Center of Tourism of the Andrés Bello University (CETUR-UNAB) with the support of Corfo, has continued its work with MiPymes of tourism, through training and online assistance. In this context, the webinar “Menu Engineering” was taught, aimed at gastronomic services – one of the sectors most hit by this crisis – where management models, digital tools and technological alternatives were presented to join delivery platforms.
The course taught by the technological extensionist, Sebastián Ansaldo, was developed in collaboration with the Chilean Gastronomy Association (Achiga) and addressed the elaboration of data sheets, profitability of dishes, stocks of raw materials and card management; an extension of times and content that were valued by attendees. “The course had an adequate duration, covering decisive aspects to direct well the control and development lines of the company in its technical, cost control and inventory fields that allow to take care of resources and make them more efficient,” said the manager of the Openbox, Mauricio Salazar.
A number of entrepreneurs have thus been able to access training on topics that can help you better cope with reopening. “As a Technology Center we are making available to our beneficiary companies courses to support them in their digital promotion and sales management,” said CETUR UNAB manager Patricia Miralles,
“This course has served me a lot because my restaurant (Mondo Lounge) is closed since October 2019 and today I have clarity about the option of delivery. Until now I considered it to be a very tight business in its margins for the costs of applications, but I have realized that it is an option to be present with my clients, to be active and I liked the option to design ‘packaging’ and develop this business area”, raised Bernardo Sauvalle, entrepreneur and also president of the Chamber of Commerce of Providencia.
In the words of Jorge Soto Lenke, restaurant “El Taringuita”, the taking of hard data for administration and management is of great relevance to the administrative success of the restaurant. “It was an ideal space for the moment we live, to be able to exchange ideas and projects and see how we are going to deal with what comes to us,” he said.
New courses will soon begin, including “Online Reputation for Tourist Services” in partnership with the Tourist Qualification Center of Murcia, the webinars “Understanding the customer in real time”, “Taking advantage of the potential of Instagram” and “Using Google Analytics to understand the customer”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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