translated from Spanish: “Arrived late”: mayors of the communes entering quarantine question the Government of the delay in decreeing the measure

The mayors of the 12 communes that will be quarantined from This Friday at 22 o’clock under the government appreciated the government’s decision to add its communes to confinement to prevent the spread of COVID-19, although they criticized that the measure came too late.
The building of the commune of Macul, Gonzalo Montoya (IND), pointed out to Radio Cooperativa that they received the measure with satisfaction, but believe “that you are late”. In that line, his pair of Cerrillos, Arturo Aguirre (PS) added that “he would have taken the quarantine measure much earlier. We don’t have to wait for the numbers to go off like this, because it becomes uncontrollable.”
“We have emptied the municipal budget to be allocated to the field campaign. State resources have not yet arrived,” he lamented, along with acknowledging that “as a municipality we don’t have many tools of our own.”
In accordance, he called on the Government to support the work of monitoring quarantine. “It is the central state that must ensure audit at fairs and curfew,” he emphasized.
The mayor of Cerro Navia, Mauro Tamayo (IND), commented through his Twitter account that “after the sustained increase in infected people that we have pointed out for some time, the Ministry of Health finally came to its senses. President Piñera, we are in time to work together and move on to a total regional quarantine.”
From La Granja, the community chief, Felipe Delpin (DC) said that “we are concerned and busy with what is coming, but it was necessary,” he said, in addition to calling on the Government to have more resources in the current health emergency.
“We have a high percentage of neighbors who have informal jobs, who go out day by day to earn their bread (…). Quarantine has to come with important government support, economic resources are there to make a little more effort,” he said.
“We ask the Government to be generous, open the wallet because there is resources”, adding that “I asked the President and the entire Covid board for more control of Carabineros and Armed Forces,” he concludes.
Meanwhile, the mayor of Lo Prado, Maximiliano Ríos (PPD), maintained that “of course we valued the decision to go into quarantine, we were waiting for it many days ago. The level of positives continues to rise, so the minister made a good decision today.”
“However, it’s a little late and we know that (…) also to say that it is very important that the central government cares about these communes, otherwise it will do no use. We’re going to make the best effort,” he stressed.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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