translated from Spanish: Video: How to Get Zero Rate Credit Out?

The Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) detailed the steps to be taken to access zero-rate credits for monotributists and self-employed workers. Step by step to do the process on the website of AFIPSebastián Domínguez, tax advisor, developed a guide to verify that the benefit can be accessed and processed. Enter the web service “Credit Rate Zero” with tax key on the AFIP website from May 4, 2020.
 The AFIP will tell each taxpayer the minimum and maximum amounts of the credit that may be granted to you. Each will have to enter the amount of the credit they wish to apply for.
 The taxpayer will have to report the digits of their credit card in which they want the funds credited.
 Those who do not have a credit card must inform the bank of their choice. At that bank you will be able to apply for a credit card or an “Account in sight for shopping purchases” where you will be credited for the loan.
 The AFIP shall inform the BCRA of the credit on the condition of its grant and the amounts of the Monotribute’s tax and forecast fees for the three tax periods following the grant, to add to the three fees to be credited by the Bank on the credit card.
 If it is not appropriate, the system will indicate the reasons why the claim is refused.
 The BCRA will share the information with each credit card issuing bank.
 Beneficiaries must apply for credit from the Bank. You won’t need to go physically, you’ll be able to apply for home banking.
From the application, the credit must take no more than 48 hours. The Central Bank (BCRA) provided that the loans must be credited by the banks two business days after the customer requests them. Where the bank has made the grant of the credit, the bank shall add to each of the disbursement fees “the amount equivalent to the obligations of three consecutive tax periods”.

Original source in Spanish


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