translated from Spanish: Alberto Fernández and the theme that concerns Marcelo Tinelli: will the show be relaxed?

Alberto Fernandez was clear. “Those who say ‘let’s get out of quarantine now’, know that leaving now on the terms they claim is to bring to the death thousands of Argentines because we can’t control that,” he said, once again, but on this occasion in dialogue with Radio Con Vos.La Argentina has been maintaining social, preventive and mandatory isolation against coronavirus for more than a month , as the representative argued “if we had not quarantined, we would have thousands of deaths, who did not arrive because we were responsible.” You can’t quarantine and make the economy work, and those who chose ended up gathering dead in refrigerated trucks and burying them in mass graves,” he added, referring to the harsh reality of the United States, some countries in Europe and even Latin America.

Alberto Fernandez

However, in this context one of the strong pressures is that of the artists and workers of the show, who ask to return with the activity. And among them, the driver Marcelo Tinelli, claims the return of his program, Showmatch.This was one of the axes mentioned by the journalist Jorge Rial in Intrusos. “The president has on an agenda for the flexibilization of quarantine, the issue of actors. What you’re seeing is the sanitary way to let this come out. Then whether I go out or it doesn’t come out, it depends on it,” he said this afternoon.” And this has to do with the Tinelli theme. He would have to thank us because we helped a lot from here with this actors to make everything have a solution,” added the reporter, who days ago repudiated the conduct of the driver, who traveled to Esquel to pass quarantine.

“If Alberto Fernández releases some activity from the actors, that will benefit Tinelli’s early air exit, which would have to return a month after this last quarantine, that is in June,” he said. The truth is that Tinelli has already held meetings with his team to finalize details about the tour of the Dancing. It was even known of names that were included and many of those left out this year. Fernandez is expected to speak over the weekend, given that Sunday 10 social isolation would end, until further notice of course. While the president has already communicated his stance of extending it for health, he does not rule out the flexibility of some activities, could he refer to artistic activities? In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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