translated from Spanish: Florence Peña: “If you’re anti-quarantine and you get it, do you deserve a bed?”

In the face of the advance of coronavirus in Argentina, the government has arranged a measure that, proven by science, is so far the most effective in preventing the virus: staying at home. That is why President Alberto Fernández argued that he chose health before the economy to save hundreds of lives in the territory and protect the at-risk population (older adults, people with respiratory conditions, etc.).

However, there are those who do not comply with social isolation, preventive and mandatory, which led dozens of artists to repudiate this situation. One of them was actor Ricardo Darín. “It’s very difficult to put yourself in the shoes of others. Our first reaction is always condemnation. Within that number there will be people who will have very deep reasons to break a rule, but it does not mean that there are no jertudes. They’re going to exist all their lives. It’s hard to fight the pandemic of assholes,” he recently argued in dialogue with Diego Leuco over TN.

Florence Peña ? Photo: Instagram @flor_de_p

In the same vein, Luciano Castro, this Thursday spoke in Intrusos about the problems that workers in the artistic industry face when the activity was interrupted, and therefore, do not collect their salary. In this sense, he repudiated those who “have no social conscience”. “I’m stunned by the assholes who don’t abide by quarantine. I get a lot of time when quarantine isn’t met, because I find it hard to do it, but I do. I’m worried, I’m not angry, I’m going to make your cul… whatever you want but it can be catastrophic for everyone. I resent the little social awareness that there can be at times,” he said.

Source: Twitter @Flor_de_P

From her Twitter account, Florencia Peña also reflected on this issue. “If you’re anti-quarantine and you get it, do you deserve a bed or don’t give it to the one who agrees? Does anyone know?” he remarked ironically, sowing the debate among his followers. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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