translated from Spanish: World Day of Migratory Birds: Know Your Risks

World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is an annual environmental and ecosystem awareness campaign held every second Saturday in May and October. According to the official site, “Birds Connect Our World” is the campaign title for this 2020. It was chosen to highlight the importance of conserving and restoring the ecological connectivity and integrity of ecosystems that support the natural cycles that are essential for the survival and well-being of migratory birds. Executive Secretary Amy Fraenkel said: “Many bird species are in decline around the world, and the continued loss and destruction of nature has also been linked to the types of infectious diseases we are now fighting.” Uncontrolled agricultural activity invades your food and shelter, and the use of pesticides is dangerous and sometimes deadly for migratory birds. They are also heavily affected by water poisoning and the effects of climate change. The amount of toxic lead released into the environment fragments ecosystems, preventing it from reaching areas with good water quality or food. Many birds die from collisions with artificial structures that are a threat to more than 350 species of migratory birds, especially those that do so at night. Structures made of glass and other reflective material is one of the main causes of death among birds.

Original source in Spanish


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