translated from Spanish: Los Mochis florists record good sales on May 10, but not as expected

The Mochis, Sinaloa.- Although the sales were not extraordinary, at least the profits of this May 10 will allow them to bear the operating expenses that are held in the establishments, declared Antonio Serapio.The head of the florists section in Canaco commented that sales this Mother’s Day was not as they would have wanted; however, he thanked the customers who looked for a way to contact them to acquire a settlement.

“It was a good day, with few sales, but we can say it was the sales we considered. We knew we were going to have few sales and the truth is that we prepared for little sale,” he said. In that regard, he commented that his colleagues decided not to prepare with much inventory, since it was the first time that the mechanism of sale by social media and telephone was implemented.
Our guests prefer to go to the establishments, see the arrangements and choose them; we recognize that it is not the same as asking for them over the phone or by a photo,” he said.

He considered that the establishments and their promotions might also have been more publicized because, he said, maybe that could have increased sales.

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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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