translated from Spanish: Reform denounces threats for questioning AMLO; he condemns the fact

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador delinquent and condemned the threat made by an alleged member of the Sinaloa cartel to the newspaper Reform, which was denounced by the same means.
The group Reform spread a call they received on Wednesday’s morning from a man claiming to be part of the Sinaloa cartel. 
In it, the subject criticizes a video posted by said medium entitled “Of nothing happens… to the emergency,” in which they say after minimizing the pandemic by COVID-19, the president accepted that the country was not prepared for an emergency like this.
Lee: Have no scruples: AMLO accuses campaign reform against Lopez-Gatell
The alleged member of the Sinaloa cartel tells the operator that with this video Reform denigrated the president and they’ve already crossed the line. 
“I want to leave a message to the news: that you are not defaming the president, that you are not betraying the homeland, because if not the offices of your newspaper prick we will blow them up, the whole Sinaloa cartel is with Andrés Manuel López Obrador,” he says. 
The subject also adds that his warning is serious and that it is the “last time” they are told. 
According to the media, the call was received at 8:24 a.m. on Wednesday from a phone in Mexicali, Baja California. 
At his morning conference on Thursday, President López Obrador condemned the fact and said his government “has nothing to do with it.”
Read: AMLO accuses media attacking him support “conservatives”
“We disqualify any violent act, we are pacifists, no one will be censured (…) full freedoms are guaranteed, the right to dissent and we condemn any threat that is made even on our behalf,” the representative said. 
The president accepted that while there are differences with the group Reform his government would never perform a repressive act against him. 
“They are the most genuine representatives of conservative thinking in Mexico and oppose transformation because they want to maintain the regime of corruption and privilege,” he added, speaking about the medium.
However, he said, that his government is not authoritarian and that it will always guarantee full freedoms and the right to dissent.
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Original source in Spanish


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