translated from Spanish: First Saturday with recreational outings for children in Capital Federal

Accompanied by a spring climate, many boys were able to go for a walk for the first time in two months of social isolation, preventive and compulsory, after the Government of Buenos Aires enabled it. 

The measure implemented, planned for weekends, is that minors residing in the City can take short walks, up to one hour, accompanied by one parent or senior in charge within a radius of 500 meters around their homes.

However, as the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Fernán Quiros, noted, the measure can quickly go back if the established standards are not met. “If people don’t comply with regulations or if the curve has accelerated evolution, they’ll turn back with the measurements,” the City official said.

From tomorrow, children under 16 years old can leave their homes for an hour with an adult and within a radius of 500 meters. Remember that the day is determined according to the passenger’s ID card, and that these departures can only be made on weekends.— Buenos Aires City ✋ (@gcba)
May 15, 2020

This Saturday children were able to leave accompanied by an adult with ID finished in even number, i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. In the meantime, on Sunday will be enabled those responsible who have finished ID in odd number, i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.

In recent days, the City of Buenos Aires concentrated most of the positive cases of coronavirus Covid-19 and this Friday 214 new contagions had been detected in this area, over the 345 that had been totaled in the country.

Original source in Spanish


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