translated from Spanish: Mexico publishes health guidelines for essential industries

CDMX.- The Economics School unveiled through its official Twitter account the “Technical Guidelines of Health Safety in the Work Environment”.

⚠️Important information⚠️ The @GobiernoMx publishes the Technical Guidelines on Health Safety in the Work Environment, as part of the strategy for the reopening of social, educational and economic activities:— Economía México (@SE_mx)
May 18, 2020

The 31-page document explains how to proceed in health matters to industries declared essential since last 14 May: The construction, mining and manufacture of transport equipment.
“The Technical Guidelines for Health Safety in the Labour Environment, which are incorporated as an Annex to this document, contain principles and strategies on measures to promote health, health protection and the care of vulnerable populations, which should be considered for the elaboration of the Health Security Protocol,” the text explains. To get the latest news about coronavirus, sign up by clicking on this space and we’ll send you the information instantly. Touch on topics such as “Return to Activities Strategy: A New Normality”, “Plan for Return to Work from COVID-19”, “Protection Measures for Vulnerable Population in Work Centers Located in Designated High and Medium Alert Regions”, among others. You may be interested:Concamin: They favor CFE through illegalityMadre is identified as a possible aggressor of his children in Nuevo LeónLo established It aims to achieve an orderly, gradual and cautious reopening of work activities.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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