translated from Spanish: The government’s benefits are not reaching those who need them

Since the beginning of the health emergency we have received from the Executive a series of messages that try to bring peace of mind and security to people. From them, the Government of Sebastián Piñera has placed on the public agenda the need to protect employment, give economic viability to SMEs and finally secure income to families.
The Senate, in particular, has been attentive to this call, and has approved at least three initiatives that would go along this lines, not without debate, and expressing their inadequacy, but assuming that it is only the Government that can propose initiatives in these matters.
We have noticed the deviations from the Employment Protection Act, which ends up being used by large companies, and which have also disassociated a large number of workers, as evidenced by the more than 11,500 redundancy letters recorded by the Directorate of Labour in April of this year alone.
We still need to know the impact of Emergency Family Income, which begins to be delivered at the end of May. However, as we did so in the legislative discussion, we do not agree with the amounts, let alone the coverage of the instrument, because despite the macrociphers made known by the Executive, we know that it will leave out the benefit of a significant number of Chilean families who also need protection.
In this critical view, we are also concerned about what is happening with SMEs and trade. The Government has accounted for an amount of more than 20 thousand operations of the so-called COVID Credit, for an amount exceeding one billion pesos, placed mainly in these economic sectors. But it was the representatives of these guilds themselves who point out not agreeing with the figures.
The experiences we have known of entrepreneurs, tourism representatives, traders and generally the mipymes of the Valparaiso Region is that banking simply does not lend them money. Sometimes it’s a “Not Qualified,” and in other situations, they’re definitely ignored.
Something is happening with the instruments of the state that makes those who serve as their livelihood and basis for their approval, they are not receiving the benefit that has been so promised. Something fails in targeting, in the requirements that are required of businesses that cannot give evidence of great solvency, because it is precisely their economic precariousness that forces them to apply for credits and the support of the State.
We believe that our economic system alone negatively discriminates against those who really need help; that banking, being free to approve or deny financial support, always prefers to favour large clients, rather than take a risk that does not exist for them, because these transactions have precisely tax guarantees.
The Government has not exercised its care, and has not properly exercised its powers of oversight, leaving once again to the market a task for which the ideological root of our current Constitution never considered.
President Piñera, in his last address to the country, has acknowledged and accepted what we have denounced for some time, that measures such as Fogape are not arriving or helping the mipymes, opening themselves up to the possibility of other instruments via Sercotec or other state agencies, which help those who are not banked, so as not to continue to depend on the goodwill of the banks.
It is urgent to take care of the enormous difficulties that not only today, but also in the immediate future will be lived by Chileans and Chileans. We will not be able to control this health crisis, let alone overcome the economic difficulties that lie ahead, unless we assure families or those who sustain much of the national employment, policies and instruments that really benefit and protect them.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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