translated from Spanish: 648 new cases of coronavirus in the country confirmed

The Ministry of Health reported that on Thursday 648 new cases of coronavirus were recorded across the country, a new record for the same day. Thus, the total confirmed are 9.931.De these 379 new positives are in Cpaital Federal and 213 in the province of Buenos Aires, which are ratified as the main sources of contagion and the only region of the country that did not move to phase 4 of “Progressive Reopening”.  

On Thursday, 13 people died from coronavirus, of which 12 were reported in the evening report and 1 in the morning report offered by the Ministry of Health. The 12 new victims are nine men, five residents in the province of Buenos Aires aged 60, 19, 72, 75 and 95, two aged 84 and 88, residents in buenos Aires City and two residents in Chaco aged 58 and 75. The three women who died are residents of the province of Buenos Aires and were 52, 89 and 67 years old.

Together with CABA and PBA, they also recorded Chaco cases with 34, Cordoba 12, Santa Fe 5 and Tucumán 1.De all cases recorded so far, 945 are imported, 4,068 are close contacts of confirmed cases, 2,919 are cases of community circulation and the rest is in epidemiological research.

Original source in Spanish


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