translated from Spanish: NL approves reform for children to receive anti-abortion education in schools

The local Congress of Nuevo León passed reforms to the state Education Act to promote anti-abortion values from basic education. 
With the approval, Article 7 of that law now states that: “the education provided by the State must develop solidarity attitudes in individuals to raise awareness of respect for life, from conception to natural death…”. 
Read: Three Reasons It Is Important for Guanajuato to Discuss Abortion
This reform was the initiative of the deputy of the Social Meeting Party, Juan Carlos Leal, who proposed the above-stated amendments to the education taught by the State, decentralized and private bodies. 
The approval was criticized by various MPs, such as the coordinator of the Green Ecologist, Ivonne Bustos; Claudia Tapia and Morena member Luis Armando Torres, who considered it a retrograde reform.
Read: Senator Lilly Téllez compares abortion to femicide 
The Nuevo León Congress approved the issue despite a controversy before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation last year against reforms to the local Constitution, which establish the right to life from fertilisation to natural death. 
To date, the SCJN has not yet resolved the issue, so it will depend on the criteria adopted by the Ministers of the Court, for the approved reform to take effect or reformulated.
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Original source in Spanish


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