translated from Spanish: The strange case of the province without coronavirus

The Government of Formosa presented its report No. 69 on Friday since the coronavirus pandemic began and since then it has not recorded cases, something that surprised its own and strangers by the proximity to two important spill markets: Paraguay and Chaco. The province ruled by Gildo Insfran issues every day at 12 o’clock the part, where it reports the result of the tests that were performed on the suspicious cases, the amount of tests that were done from the beginning of the pandemic, how many people entered the province and more relevant information about possible transmitters of the virus. 
But how did Formosa come to be, together with Catamarca, the exception of the extensive Argentine territory? For starters and as fundamental information, the province has no ministry of health. In the organization chart, this place is held by the Minister of Human Development, who resigned at the beginning of the pandemic. The fight against COVID-19 is led by the COVID-19 Comprehensive Emergency Care Council, led by the governor, an advisory group of doctors and all cabinet ministers, including the Minister of Government, Justice, Security and Labour, Jorge González. 

Chaco Province Contagion Curve Information: Chaco Government

From the provincial government they claim that part of the success against coronavirus contagion is due to a strict entry protocol that anyone intending to reach Formosa must comply with. That protocol includes the request for a permit to the Command mentioned above and which is made through the official website of the formose government, which approves them and grants them according to the priority it sets. 

Permits are requested on the provincial government page and are granted according to the priority they set

If the permit is finally approved, that person meets a mandatory 14-day quarantine in “a preventive isolation center” conditioned for this situation. Just after they’re two weeks old, a person can start circulating. The local government ensures that this protocol is “complied with in a nut.” Right now, there are 825 people in that process and 2807 who have already complied.

Insfran’s most critical opponents assured in dialogue with this medium that some of the compliance is due to “an authoritarian matrix that allows you to control iron.” The same voices say that the rapid action of the Formose government is due to awareness of the state of the health system and that an outbreak of the pandemic could quickly collapse it. From officialism, meanwhile, they re-them with the growing complexity system that Formosa already had developed and that with isolation took advantage of to strengthen. Sub-you?? Formosa’s zero cases quickly caught the eye and some voices raised the possibility that Gildo Insfran, who has ruled the province with an iron arm since 1995, was hiding the cases. However, even the fiercest formose opponents acknowledge that it is very difficult to hide a case of coronavirus: “This is a small province, if someone has dengue you find out, if someone has pneumonia, you find out right away,” they told Filo.News. 
In this regard, the provincial government explained that it tests those with symptoms and asymptomatic “in the active search for cases”. So far they’re conducting 620 tests between asymptomatic and suspects. “PCR analyses are done to anyone who has a flu-like state or has an internment level,” they told Filo.News.Surrounded by Chaco and ParaguayFormosa that they have not recorded positive cases even having their borders with Chaco, Salta and Paraguay, regions that did register positive cases of coronavirus. The government ensured that control of the border with Paraguay became more fierce to prevent contagion and that in case complaints about the passage to collect social allocations “is the responsibility of the national state” since, as they explained “to the border is cared for by Gendarmerie and Prefecture if it is by water”. Although the particular situation of Formosa generated doubts in some sectors of Chaco, which quietly recognized the atypical of zero contagion, from the provincial government they retruded with the mandatory quarantine scheme they implemented. Flexible activitiesThe province has not yet enabled the return of classes as the ban was issued by the national government throughout the country. Also did not work cinemas, shopping malls, theaters, restaurants, among others. However, it was one of the first provinces to enable private construction and the previous week hairdressers began to operate with shifts and reduced hours, domestic service, eatingretail agencies, among other activities. Similarly, private construction was one of the first items that was enabled to operate in the middle of quarantine. After more than two months, Formosa continues without a coronavirus positive and the relative success of its program can be attributed to the strict protocol it enforces. Even with the possibility of a case being recorded in the future, the chances of them being hidden is denied by the opposition itself, who does not have the same view as to dengue, which suffers throughout the country as the greatest outbreak in its history.

Original source in Spanish


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